3D Tenders are fast becoming a staple name in the tender and rib market. The 535 X Pro rib sits in the middle of their range. Offering excellent build quality and affordable price point, they are fast and stable. This boat is powered by a Suzuki 70hp outboards she offers great performance and efficiency. Internally she is a straightforward boat, Large A frame on the stern for water sports and holding a wakeboard rack, rear bench seat which comfortably seats 3. The helm position has a leaning bolster offers an excellent vantage of the water ahead and astern. The bow holds a bow cushion for thrill seekers. Sat on top of a galvanised trailer she is a turn key package.
3D tenders 535 X Pro rib. 2011 Suzuki 70hp outboard. Vander Craft trailer.
In this case we are acting as brokers only. The vendor is/is not selling in the course of a business. Whilst every care has been taken in their preparation, the correctness of these particulars is not guaranteed. The particulars are intended as a guide and they do not constitute a term of any contract. A perspective buyer is strongly advised to check the particulars and where appropriate at his own expense to employ a qualified Marine Surveyor to carry out a survey and/or to have an engine trial conducted which if conducted by us shall not imply any liability for such engine on our part.